Preparing for Your Alma TED Hair Restoration Treatment: What You Should Know

Approximately 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States suffer from androgenetic alopecia (aka, male-pattern baldness), a type of hair loss due to genetics, hormones, and the environment.
Another 700,000 have a rarer form of hair loss known as alopecia areata, which can affect children, too.
Unlike male-pattern baldness, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes unpredictable patches of hair loss and may result in total hair loss. It sometimes resolves on its own.
Other sufferers may benefit from medications or immunotherapy that stop the body’s attacks on hair follicles.
For most people with male-pattern baldness, a revolutionary new noninvasive, drug-free treatment can create new hair growth. The Alma® TED® device is an innovative hair restoration treatment that uses ultrasound energy to restore thick, healthy hair in as little as two weeks.
The Sirens Medspa in Somerville, New Jersey, is a branch of the Rheumatology Center of New Jersey, which has offices in Somerville, Flemington, and Monroe, New Jersey. At Sirens, we offer Alma TED for our clients and patients who need hair restoration.
What should you know before your TED treatment? Here's a brief guide.
Alma TED is safe and FDA-cleared
TED stands for “transepidermal delivery” and is cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Class 1 device. When the FDA labels a medical device as Class 1, they’ve determined that it poses the lowest possible risk to the consumer.
Other examples of Class 1 medical devices include:
- Enema kits
- Elastic bandages
- Toothbrushes
- Hand-held surgical instruments
- Examination gloves
TED is a completely nonsurgical device that doesn’t need to pierce your skin, pull out plugs of healthy follicles, or perform any invasive act. Instead, it uses ultrasound waves and air pressure to stimulate your damaged follicles to heal and produce hairs again.
A TED treatment is fast
The TED hair restoration treatment only takes about 20-30 minutes. There’s no special preparation involved. You don’t have to do anything but show up for your appointment.
You can continue to use your normal supplements or medications. TED doesn’t interfere with or react to them, and you don’t need to worry about preventing blood thinning; there’s no bleeding involved with TED.
We also don’t have to prepare you for the treatment. The TED sound waves and air pressure are so gentle that you don’t need a topical anesthetic.
TED paves the way for nutrients
Your TED treatment helps your scalp regrow hair in a couple of ways. First, the sound waves stimulate healing in the follicles. Second, the air pressure helps push the innovative TED+ HairCare formula into your hair follicles.
The patented TED Technology™ is registered with the US patent office. It features a unique “pushback effect” with air pressure that accelerates treatment outcomes when used with the Ted+ serum.
TED results are fast, too
You may have to wait months to see new hair growth or improved hair health with other hair restoration systems. That’s not the case with TED.
After a series of three treatments over a one-month period, you may see up to 44% thicker hair in your crown. You may also see an improvement in terminal to vellus (T/V) hair ratio as high as 55%.
Terminal hairs are the thick, coarse hairs that grow on your scalp, eyebrows, and lashes, as well as other areas of your body.
Vellus hairs are the thin, downy hairs that grow all over your body, including the edges of your scalp. Vellus hairs are sometimes referred to as “peach fuzz.”
Hair loss usually refers to loss of terminal hairs. Hair restoration with TED brings those thick, lush strands back.
Are you tired of balding or bald patches? Do you want to regrow your hair quickly and pain-free? If the answers are yes, contact our office nearest you to book a TED consultation at our Sirens Medspa in Somerville, New Jersey, today.
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