Scheduled for Laser Hair Removal? Six Things to Do (And Avoid!) Before

Laser hair removal allows you to check off one more item on your to-do list every day, week, or month, without having to do anything. Once we remove unwanted hair on your legs, arms, face, or other areas, you can throw away your razors, wax, and depilatory creams.
But before you go for your laser hair-removal appointment, you need to prepare. Because lasers use heat and energy, you must take steps to make sure your skin is protected and safe.
At the Sirens Medspa at the Rheumatology Center of New Jersey, our expert aesthetic team wants you to be hair-free, safely and comfortably. We perform laser hair removal at our medspa in Somerville, New Jersey, on areas such as your:
- Legs
- Arms
- Back
- Chest
- Bikini area
- Mustache area
- Sideburns
- Chin
- Neck
- Underarms
How should you prepare for your laser hair removal session? We’ve compiled a brief list of what to do and what to avoid.
Do stock up on sunscreen
You shouldn’t have a tan before your laser hair removal session, nor should you get one directly afterward. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on any area where you wish to remove your unwanted hair.
Do this for at least a month before your first treatment. That’s why it’s best to start in winter, when your skin is under wraps.
Tanning not only makes your skin more sensitive, it can complicate the laser hair-removal process, so stay away from tanning beds and even chemical tans.
After your procedure, continue to use sunscreen and avoid the sun by wearing protective clothing and finding shade. Your skin is extra-sensitive to sunlight’s damaging rays after a laser treatment.
Since you usually need 2-6 treatments to reach your hair-free goals (with a month between each session), avoid the sun until a month after your last treatment. Of course, continue to use sunscreen, regardless.
Don’t tweeze, wax, or use electrolysis
Before your hair-removal treatment, refrain from removing unwanted hairs with methods that pull out the hairs by the roots for six weeks. These hair-removing processes disturb your hair follicles, which is where the hairs grow and where the laser targets its energy.
In addition, the laser finds the hairs because the roots in the follicle are a different shade than your skin. If you remove the roots, the laser won’t locate that follicle as easily.
Don’t use blood thinners
Any medication, herb, or other substance that thins your blood can lead to bruising during your laser treatment. We ask you to avoid:
- Aspirin
- Anticoagulants
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Ginger
- Garlic
- Ginkgo biloba
- Anything that increases photosensitivity
We give you a complete list of substances to eliminate before your session. Also, let us know about any medications you take so we can be sure they won’t have an adverse effect on your hair removal.
Do shave before your procedure
Again: Don’t do anything to pull out your hairs before your laser hair removal session. But you must shave a day or so before your treatment. That allows you to have slight growth (think: stubble) but removes longer, distracting hairs.
When you shave, you create a smaller target for the laser. If you leave the hair too long, the hair absorbs the energy that should be directed to the follicle itself. Laser hair removal works because the laser destroys the integrity of a follicle so it can’t grow hair again.
Don’t use moisturizer
For the best results, your skin must be dry and oil-free on the day of your treatment. If you forget and apply moisturizer as part of your routine, we must remove it before moving on to your laser treatment.
Do be patient
Your hairs grow at different rates. Even though your hairs are at various parts of the growing cycle, the laser’s energy only targets those that are at their earliest growth stage. That’s why you need multiple treatments: Eventually, we catch all (or most) of your unwanted hairs at the ideal stage.
But after your first treatment (and thereafter), you don’t have to worry about recovery time or downtime. You can plunge forward into most of your normal activities. Just don't try to tan or use chemical tans.
Avoid shaving areas that were recently treated with lasers, too, if they’re still red, swollen, or sensitive.
Are you ready to show off your beautiful hair-free (untanned!) legs this summer? Get ready now by booking your first laser hair-removal session today. We service Monroe, Flemington, and Somerville, New Jersey, and surrounding areas.
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